How to use Marketing to Grow your Landscaping Business
There are three main ways a company can increase revenues and profits and grow their business:
- More people hearing about you and making an enquiry
- Increase number of enquiries that become site visits and quotes
- Convert a higher percentage of quotes into sales
When working with a new client we first want to understand their current position. How much business their marketing is currently generating and how well their website is working. Their are several key metrics for that:
- How many people visit the website each month
- What percentage make an enquiry
- How many of those enquiries result in a quote
- What percentage of quotes lead to a new customer
- What is the average project value
Our marketing systems increase the number of website visitors and the percentage that make an enquiry. Our starting goal is to increase website visitors by 30% and the number that make an enquiry by 1%. Achieving those two targets will increase the monthly sales for a landscaping company with a turnover of £1m by about £50,000 per month.
Example for a typical landscaping company
Current monthly website visits 600
Average number of visitors
Average monthly enquiries 24
Assuming 4% of your website visitors make an enquiry
Quotes per month 12
Assuming 50% of enquiries are worth quoting for
Customers per month 4.2
Assuming 35% of quotes become customers
Average project value £20,000
How do we help grow your business?
- More website visitors
Increase website visitors by 30%
In the example above with 30% more website visitors you will get 780 visits per month. Monthly leads will increase from 24 to 31, which will lead to 4 more quotes, 1.2 more sales and revenues will go up by £25,000 per month.
30% increase in website visits
- Higher percentage of visitors make an enquiry
Increase enquiry conversion by 1%
Increasing the number of people that make an enquiry from 4% to 5% will increase enquiries to 30 per month. If everything else remains the same you will now be doing 15 quotes and getting 5.25 customers per month. Revenue will go up by £21,000 per month.
1% increase in conversion
Monthly increase in your revenue
- More website visitors and a higher percentage of enquiries
Increase website visitors by 30% and enquiries by 1%
Our real goal is to increase both your website visitors and the percentage that make an enquiry. If we do that for this example company the revenue goes up by £52,500 per month which is £630,000 per year.
1% increase in conversion and 30% in website visits
Monthly increase in your revenue
How much will annual revenue increase by?
30% increase in website visits
1% increase in conversion
1% increase in conversion and 30% in website visits

Do you own a Landscaping, Gardening or Tree Surgery company and want to increase your leads, sales and revenue?
We can help scale your business to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support sales. We set up reliable lead generation systems that will give you a steady stream of new enquiries every week.