Social Media Posting Frequency – a guide for landscaping & gardening companies

To grow your business and connect with more people, you need to be visible to your customer through a variety of touchpoints – and social media will help you do just that. However, with social media you need to be strategic about when you post. When sharing content with your audience, how often is too often?

It’s important to strike a balance between being informative and annoying. Each social media platform requires a different strategic approach as the audience consumption differs across each.
Here we will look at each of the three main platforms in turn;

1. Facebook

Virtually every landscaping and gardening company has at least some experience with posting on this social media platform. It’s best to post between one and two times a day, any more than this and you will start to feel spammy and followers may stop engaging with your content.

The good thing about Facebook is that it rewards you for posting engaging content. If something you post is well received by your audience, it will sit on top of their newsfeed for much longer. This can deliver hours or even days of value.

The next question is what time of day you should post in order to maximise your one or two daily posts. According to research, post at 1pm if you want to get the most shares, at 3pm if you want the most clicks, and any time between 9am and 7pm for optimal value.

2. Twitter

Twitter is a totally different to Facebook. It delivers tweets to a user’s newsfeed in a sequential format with tweets ordered by the time they were posted. This means they have a much shorter lifespan.

We would suggest three tweets per day is optimal for local companies that just operate in the UK. Anything more than this and engagement will start to drop off.

However, if you have a new service or offer launching it is better to increase your postings over a short period for maximum impact, rather than sticking to the formula.

Research suggests the most popular time to tweet is between noon and 1pm as this will provide you with the largest audience. However, if you tweet at this time you may get pushed down the news feed fairly quickly meaning your tweet has the potential to be missed.

3. LinkedIn

The best days to post on LinkedIn are Tuesday – Thursday. Data suggests you get very low engagement on a Monday and Friday. One post per day is ideal.

Experts suggest posting at midday, so you increase your chances of catching business professionals on their lunch break.

Early evening between 5pm and 6pm and early morning between 7am and 8am is also regarded as a good time, because users are commuting.


Social media will help you take your landscaping or gardening business to the next level. First, you need to know the right timing for publishing social media content.

The best way to determine how often you should post on social media is by experimenting. On each social media network you have a presence, test out different posting frequencies each day, each week, and see what kind of engagement you get.

Also, remember that quality always wins over quantity. If you don’t have enough quality content to make up three tweets per day, then don’t. It’s better to tweet less and to tweet higher quality content that is engaging.

All of the above takes a lot of time, if you would like help with this aspect of your business plan then please get in touch with us today.

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We understand that business owners need a steady stream of a new enquiries to grow their business. We can help you scale your landscaping or gardening company to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support your sales.

If you would like help setting up or building on your existing social media channel marketing then please get in touch today.

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