Facebook Advertising Objectives… Explained

Most landscaping and gardening companies should advertise on Facebook at some point. It’s cost-effective and, if you do it right, it can help your business to grow. The issue is that while Facebook adverts are effective, a lot of landscaping and gardening business owners don’t know which objectives to choose for their adverts.

Choosing the wrong objective may lead to a low return on your investment. Here’s an overview of each of the objectives that you can choose from on Facebook.

What are the Advert Objectives on Facebook?

Before you create an advert its worthwhile considering what your current business goals are. There are three broad categories – and within these categories are objectives that you can then choose from. This will help you to match your objectives to your business goals.

The categories are broken down into Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion, below we review the objectives within each of these categories to help you identify which is right for you.


  • Brand Awareness: This objective makes sense to use as a first step in a campaign to help you to attract new customers as they increase people’s awareness of your landscaping or gardening company. They don’t generally lead to a high click through as they are mainly just for awareness.
  • Reach: Choose this objective if your aim is to get your advert in front of as many people in your target audience as possible. As above you may not get a high click through but your advert will appear in your target audiences feed so great for awareness.


  • Traffic: Send people from Facebook to any destination you choose, such as your website’s landing page, a blog post or a particular landscaping or gardening service. Facebook can then track the number of people who click on your advert link.
  • Engagement: This objective will help you to get more people to engage with your content – this is measured through likes, comments and shares.
  • App Installs: This is relevant if you have an app that you want to sell or promote.
  • Video Views: If your advert includes a video of a particular landscaping or gardening service then this is the objective to choose as this objective will get more people to watch your video.
  • Lead Generation: Another good one for an landscaping or gardening company as this objective will help you to collect leads for your business. You can create an advert that collects information from people that are interested in your services.
  • Messages: With this objective you can connect with people on Messenger, Instagram Direct, and WhatsApp. This can be useful if you want to initiate conversations, answer questions, and nurture leads.


  • Conversions: With this objective you are asking people to take a specific action like filling in a form or booking an appointment. It can also be used to get customers to contact you or download a guide.
  • Catalogue Sales: Show products from your ecommerce store’s catalogue to generate sales.
  • Shop Visits: If you have an actual shop you can promote your businesses location to people that are nearby.

When creating an advert you should first think about which of the above objectives you want to achieve. Then, choose the ad objective that will help you get there.

Which Facebook Ad Objective is Right for Your Landscaping or Gardening Business?

Firstly Brand Awareness is a good objective, particularly if your competitors have more brand recognition or if you have a new business.

If you already have a large audience of followers on Facebook then the Reach objective is a good idea. However, if you have a small following then this is not a great objective as you won’t reach enough people.

Traffic can be a good objective for landscaping and gardening businesses that want to get more customers to visit their websites. For this objective it’s a good idea to design a landing page that the advert will go to that gives people a reason to stay on your website once they click.

If you have an online store side to your business, then the Catalogue Sales objective may be a good choice. It can help you show off your most popular products and get them in front of your audience.

The Messages objective may be right for your company if you are looking for one-on-one contact with customers to overcome their buying objections. You should only use this objective if you are able to monitor your messages and respond quickly.

Contact us Today

If you are looking to embark on a Facebook advertising campaign then remember that the advert objective should be carefully selected to align with your business objectives for the best results. Contact us today if you would like help with your Facebook advertising and social media marketing campaigns.

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