Google Business Profile – How to claim your company listing

A walkthrough on how a Landscaping, Gardening or Tree Service company should claim their Google Business Profile.

Video transcript:

This is part of a series of videos on Google’s Business Profile. I’m going to cover how to claim your Google Business Profile or if you’ve already claimed it and lost the login details, how to get them back.

This is our Google profile and when you are logged into Google and search for your business, if you already manage your business profile, you’ll see a blue tick with “you manage this business profile” on the right of the screen. You’ll also see this screen here that gives you options to make changes directly to your profile and add photos etc. You need to be logged into Google in the account that manages the profile for this to show up.

You can tell if you are logged into Google by seeing either a photo at the top right corner or your initials. If you are not logged in and try to claim your profile, Google will take you through a couple of steps to log in.

Claiming access to manage a profile

If you don’t have access to your business profile there’s a few steps to claiming it. Here’s one I’ve chosen at random for South Bank Garden Services. We have no relationship to them and don’t manage their Google profile. If this was my company and I wanted to take over the management of the profile the first step is to click on this button that says “Own this business”.

Google will then tell me who manages it currently. If nobody manages it they’ll say that and they’ll give me the option to take over management of it. This one is managed by somebody whose email starts with da and ends in It doesn’t give the whole email address in the interests of confidentiality, but it’s telling me that it’s already managed by somebody else. If it’s my business and I don’t know who that email belongs to because maybe it’s an ex employee then I would click on request access.

When you do that you put in access level such as Owner or Manager and your relationship to the business, owner or employee. You add your name, email and phone number then click on submit and Google will email the person that manage it currently. So this da… will get an email saying Joe Blogs has asked to manage your Google business profile. Is that okay? They click on a button to say it is and then you are get a notification from Google to say you now have management of your profile.

If they don’t reply in three days Google will let you know and you can go in again and claim it in a slightly different way. Basically you have to prove that it really is your business and you can do that in a couple of ways. Either Google will phone the number on the listing and an automated call will come through with a pin number that you put in to prove that it is your business. Alternatively they’ll send a card in the post which has a pin number on, and again you put that pin number in and it gives you access to it.

Once you have logged in you can remove any users that are no longer part of your company and just make sure it’s just yourself and one or two trusted people that have access to it.

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