Website writing tips for better landscaping and gardening SEO terms

When it comes to copywriting, using the same text, voice, tone and length doesn’t work across every marketing channel or online platform. In this blog we talk about the need to communicate better with your customers across all the different marketing channels that are available to you.

Content is getting longer

The way you write for a blog or email newsletter is not going to be the same as a Facebook post, or a tweet. Content is getting longer and longer, not just on the more detailed product pages or blog pages but also on homepages too.

This has been driven by the fact that long-form content can now generate social shares and backlinks and it makes your website rank better organically. If Google thinks a long blog post or article offers an all-in-one-place solution to a searcher’s problem, it is in their interest to serve that content up on the first page.

Important information at the top

People need to be hooked in quickly when it comes to reading a website page so make sure you can say everything you need to at the top of your page, blog or article. Make sure that you are also using your high ranking landscaping and gardening keywords on your page near the top as this will get them found quicker by google. We have a handy list of the top keywords in our Resources section of the website.

Summarise key points at the start but don’t give too much detail away. For websites, keeping people on your pages for as long as possible is important for SEO. Having a high bounce rate is bad as it shows people are not engaging with your website.

Format your text & page for scanners

It is proven that people skim and scan when it comes to reading a website page. Most people tend to follow very similar patterns when it comes to reading a web page. Use graphics, headers & titles, large fonts, short paragraphs, short sentences, white space and also bullet points or numbered lists to make your copy more interesting to the reader.

Make 2-3 points per paragraph

If you have a paragraph that makes more than 3 points, see if you can turn it into a bullet point list or split it into more than one paragraph. Use a variety of formatting techniques that break up the text and draw the reader’s eye down the page. Keep bullet point lists short too. No more than 7 is the max. Utilise your main landscaping or gardening services at the top of each page to ensure that they are seen first.

Use keywords strategically

Each page of a website should have its own unique keyword set. Make sure when you are writing the content for that page that you don’t overdo it and “stuff” in keywords. Your content should always read naturally. However, it is important to slip in important landscaping or gardening keywords in every paragraph to help search engines present your website/page better to its users.

Link to Reputable Sources

Nothing online exists in a vacuum. Linking out to high-quality landscaping or gardening industry related websites in your web copywriting helps your visitors and makes you more credible by association.

Add images to your content

Just by adding pictures in to your page, you can increase engagement and conversions. Images such as charts, graphs and infographics can also be used to make the content visually more interesting. You can also use video content on your website – short tutorials on landscaping or gardening services and products is a great way to break up your content and make it more appealing.

Contact us today

We understand that business owners need a steady stream of a new enquiries to grow their business. We can help you scale your landscaping or gardening company to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support your sales. Contact us today for more information.

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