Social Media Image Sizes

Below are the best image sizes to use for the main social media accounts:


Banner - 1200 x 527
Profile - 170 x 170 (round image)
Post - 1200 x 630


Banner - 1128 x 191
Profile - 400 x 400 (square image)
Post - 1200 x 627

Google-colorCreated with Sketch.

Google Business Profile

Cover photo - 2120 x 1192
Profile - 500 x 500 (round image)
Post - 1200 x 900


Profile - 320 x 320 (round image)
Post - 1080 x 1080
Stories - 1080 x 1920


Banner - 2048 x 1152
Profile - 800 x 800 (round image)
Video thumbnail - 1280 x 720


Banner - 1500 x 1500
Profile - 400 x 400 (round image)
Post - 1600 x 900

Pinterest-colorCreated with Sketch.


Cover photo - 800 x 450
Profile - 165 x 165 (round image)
Pins - 1000 x 1500


Profile - 200 x 200 (round image)
Video - 1080 x 1920

Chris London
Chris London, Managing Director

Do you own a Landscaping, Gardening or Tree Surgery company and want to increase your leads, sales and revenue?

We can help scale your business to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support sales. We set up reliable lead generation systems that will give you a steady stream of new enquiries every week.