Which social media channels are best for Landscaping or Gardening companies?

Social media has changed dramatically since its inception, it is now a powerful tool that every business should be taking advantage of.

While social media has grown into an incredible opportunity for business owners, it has also grown more complicated. There are now more options than ever.

Deciding what channels to be present on for your landscaping or gardening business can be a difficult decision, here are some pointers to help you choose the right social media channel for you.

A multi-channel strategy

A multi-channel digital strategy ensures that you reach your clients on the various channels that they engage in. So, if you have the time and manpower then it makes sense to engage across the main most popular platforms. The important part is that you must be active, and consistently put out quality content.

In addition, each social media network is different and requires different content, different kinds of engagement, and different activity altogether.

Go where your target audience hangs out

In order to do this, you need to know who your target audience. If you’re not sure, look at your top landscaping or gardening competitors and see where they invest their resources online, and which social channels they are on.

Ideally, you should be churning out great tutorial videos on YouTube. A simple YouTube Do-It-Yourself (DIY) on how to fix some wiring could generate thousands of views.

Visual social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram are powerful platforms to publish content online.

What does your audience want to see?

DIY and how-to content are probably your best bet, so spend some time focusing on this kind of content as part of your overall marketing strategy. Everyone who follows an landscaping or gardening page on any social media platform is almost always looking out for what’s in it for them.

Showing them how to solve simple landscaping or gardening problems in the home and office will go a long way in building trust and loyalty amongst your audience. Focus more on what your audience enjoys in the beginning and resist the urge to sell at every opportunity.

Don’t get it twisted – selling is good, and every profitable business is built on sales. But if every content you publish is aimed at selling your product (or service), then you are doing something wrong.

It can take time to gain momentum on social media, no matter what network you choose. When you’re choosing a social media platform in which to invest time and resources, you’re looking for something to use for the long haul. That’s why it’s best to pick one that you genuinely enjoy using.

Do what you’re good at

There is not much point using YouTube if you do not have the technology to make videos. Your social media channel should not only be a good fit for your audience and your industry, but a good fit for you.

New channels

Social media channels just starting up need users and engagement. They will probably do anything they can to help you, which in turn will help them to meet their goals. There is also less competition on these platforms, so it’s easier to gain a following.

New social media platforms like TikTok are not just places to create funny videos. You can also create short educative landscaping or gardening videos for your audience as well.

Which networks are declining and which are emerging

Prioritise social channels that are on their way up, and avoid social channels that appear to be on their way out.

It remains to be seen what will happen in the future, but suffice to say social media is here to stay and by integrating it into your overall business strategy you will engage users and ultimately increase revenue.

Contact us today

We understand that business owners need a steady stream of a new enquiries to grow their business. We can help you scale your landscaping or gardening company to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support your sales. If you would like us to help you with your SEO then please get in touch today.

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We are experts in marketing for Landscaping, Gardening and Tree Surgery companies and can offer a variety of marketing services to help you get more enquiries and grow your business.

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