Copywriting top tips for landscaping and gardening companies

To increase sales and enquiries for your business you need to communicate with your audience via a number of different methods, and show them why they should hire your company – when it comes to your website, copywriting top tips come into play.

A sad fact of copywriting is that most website visitors read very few of the words you spend so much effort writing. In fact, most people don’t read more than a quarter of the words on a webpage.

The reason for this is that the average person reads about 250 words per minute and spends 30-40 seconds on a page that interests them. If there are 500 words on that page, allowing a few seconds for looking at images means they will only read about a quarter of the words.

With this in mind it is important to make sure the words they read are the ones you want them to. There’s a few ways you can do this:

Titles and subtitles

Breaking up the page into short sections with interesting and relevant titles and subtitles makes it easier to find areas of interest.

Bullets, bold fonts and italics

Text about landscaping and gardening projects can be somewhat technical. But you can draw the reader’s attention to relevant areas of text by bullets, bold fonts and italics to flag up important words and ideas.

Short paragraphs

Keep your paragraphs to three or four lines so that they can be easily read. Large blocks of text are daunting and often avoided.

Internal links

Internal links come in handy when you want to promote a specific landscaping or gardening service on your website. Internal links not only help in the crawling and indexing of your website, but it also boosts page views and improves page ranking. This way, you get to direct your visitors to the exact product and service page you desire.

To do that, the anchor text has to be highlighted in a different colour. This will, in turn, draw the attention of the reader. Simply put, internal links are a great way of increasing your website’s retention time and also directing customers to a page where they get to see more of your landscaping and gardening services.


Not all visitors that land on your website are landscaping or gardening experts – some understand how to achieve what they want, while others are regular people who are seeking solutions to their landscaping and gardening needs.

Your job is quite simple – offer value by writing in clear language. Technical writing is important, but it won’t cut it. You are in the landscaping or gardening industry to solve problems, sell products and services. To do that, your writing has to be readable. Use easy-to-understand terms for your customers and readers.

Reading age

There are various online tools that will calculate the reading level of your text such as: Most base there results on the American school system but the target is to write for someone with a US Grade 8 reading level which is about 14-15 years old.

Contact us today

We understand that business owners need a steady stream of a new enquiries to grow their business. We can help you scale your landscaping or gardening company to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support your sales. If you would like us to help you write or re-write your website content then please get in touch today.

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