Using Facebook to Drive More Business for Your Landscaping Company

All kinds of different types of businesses use Facebook to drive more sales and enquiries, and landscaping and gardening companies can see a significant benefit from using Facebook well.

As well as boosting posts and creating adverts, there are many ways that you can utilise Facebook’s large user base to advertise your services and products as a landscaping and gardening company. We have more information on social media marketing here.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can use facebook to drive more business for your landscaping company:

Update regularly

If you don’t update your social media regularly, then people will stop coming back to see what’s new. Once they’ve finished reading your last post, they probably won’t come back until next time, which means you’ll lose out on precious opportunities to drive more sales and enquiries through your business. You should try to post at least once a week.

Make it easy for people to contact you

Are you struggling to find new clients for your landscaping or gardening business? It could be because you’re not making it easy for people to contact you.
Make sure all your important contact details are clearly displayed on all your social media channels, and be sure to reply to any questions that come up. By answering any questions that come up, you can capture the attention of future clients who ask such questions as well.

Promote your page to drive more interest

As a business owner, you know that advertising is key to getting your service in front of more people. And what better way to advertise than through Facebook? Not only is Facebook one of the most popular websites on the internet, but its advertising platform also allows you to specifically target potential customers based on their interests and demographics. This makes it a very effective way to reach more people with your message.

Run a giveaway on your page

Running a giveaway is a great way to increase engagement on your Facebook page. By giving away a free garden design, for example, you can inspire people to share the news with their friends and help to increase awareness of your company. Make sure the prize is something that will appeal to your target audience and generate interest in your business.

Post at the Right Time

Figuring out when to post your Facebook ads can be tricky. There are a lot of things to consider, such as when people login and what type of device they’re using. However, there are some general rules of thumb that you can follow in order to increase your chances of success.
Generally speaking, you should avoid posting during the lunch hour. That’s because people are more likely to be busy and not have time to scroll through updates from businesses. However, other times of the day may work well for you, depending on your target audience.
Another thing to keep in mind is the type of content you’re posting. If you’re promoting a landscaping company, for example, it might make sense to post at the beginning or end of spring when people are thinking about getting their gardens ready for summer.

Use Facebook advertising

Facebook advertising can be highly targeted, and we have found that the more targeted you are, the more successful your campaign will be.
So how do you go about targeting your audience on Facebook? The key to success is to first decide what message or service you want to advertise, and then define a niche customer demographic for it. You should match the whole customer journey – from creative through to the follow up – to that exact message and consumer.
For example, if you own a landscaping and gardening company, you’ll first need to narrow down your audience on Facebook via metrics like job title, type of business, size of premises, number of employees, location etc. Once you have a realistic number of consumers to target, it’s time to focus on creating ad creatives that are tailored specifically for landscaping and garden design work. You also need to create a bespoke landing page for them which has a clear and immediate call-to-action (e.g., email capture or scheduling a call/appointment). And finally, make sure that you have a follow-up process in place so that you can engage with any customers who click on your advert.

Advert Creative

When it comes to online marketing, not all adverts are created equal. Some will perform better than others, so it’s important to experiment and figure out what works for your company. You can also analyse which type of advert tends to be more successful when deciding how often or in what form your adverts should look. In general, people seem to prefer:

  • photo adverts (real people doing landscaping and gardening)
  • videos (real if possible)
  • polls or surveys with questions that motivate people to comment on them
  • customer reviews

Advert copy

In terms of copy for your adverts, add a strong sales message but don’t be too pushy. Try using time limited deals like “20% off all new fencing work booked this month!” to tempt your customers to click on your advert. The aim is to stop the scroll and get them to look at your advert.

Call to action

Add a call-to-action to your adverts as this will give people who visit your page an idea of what you want them to do next, whether that’s watching your latest youtube video or booking an appointment. Facebook allows you to add clickable links into your adverts that appear directly on your page. This makes it really easy to drive people toward whatever you want them to do so don’t be afraid to put it into practice.

Analysing results

Every Facebook page has a tracking pixel that allows you to track conversions on your adverts. What this means is that Facebook can tell when someone has performed an action (such as visiting your website or making a purchase). So make sure you are using the tools that Facebook offers to track the success of your adverts over time.

Contact us Today

These tips should help landscaping and gardening companies get started with Facebook advertising. It may seem daunting at first but taking things step by step is usually the best way to get into something new, so just give it a go!
We are experts in social media for landscaping and gardening companies, and if you are looking to grow sales we can help build your brand using Facebook Advertising. Contact us today for more information or to book a free marketing consultation.

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