What Search Engine Optimisation should you focus on today?

There are a number of ways you can measure how well your website is performing online and how visible you are in your local area for customers looking for landscaping or gardening companies. This blog explores a number of different areas that can help you understand where to put your focus and what you should be tracking to make your website more visible.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the traffic you get when someone searches for a keyword on Google, finds your landscaping or gardening company and clicks on a link to your website.

You do not pay for this, and so you need to do some work behind the scenes to ensure that your company is seen above your competition, especially if a lot of people are searching for the same service.

You can track your organic traffic through Google Analytics which will show you how many visits to your website, how long people stay on your site and what pages they are visiting. My analysing this information you can decide what areas you need to improve on and what areas are doing well.

Target Keywords

Its important to look at what keywords your customers use to find you as well as what keywords you want people to use to find you.

There are a number of keyword tracking tools you can use to do this, or download our keyword list here.

By analysing this list and incorporating relevant keywords into your Title Tags, H1 descriptions and on-page text you can look for opportunities to increase your search ranking organically.


Backlinks are still a huge factor in helping to improve your search engine ranking. A site that has a large amount of different and high-quality backlinks is going to rank higher on Google than a site with only a few. Read more about our search engine optimisation services here.

It’s a good idea to have a look at what your competitors are doing and to use a tracking tool to see what backlinks they are successful with – you can then capitalise on this for your own website.

Some of the best ways to get backlinks to your website are to write a guest blog post for a relevant landscaping or gardening website, look for online directories that will post your blog content and contact them directly to see if they will be willing to link to your website.

Social Media Traffic

There is evidence that social media activity does impact a websites ranking in some way. For example, when you search for a big company, their social media pages show up at the top of Google.

You should track the traffic that comes to your website via social media, and see what posts on social media lead people back to your website. This will help you to create content that people will respond to on social media and can also then lead to enquiry from your website.

Page Speed

Nobody likes a slow website and research shows that if your site takes more than a few seconds to load, people will navigate away. That makes tracking your page speed a no-brainer.

If your page is slow to load you should address this immediately – things like image size and animation can slow your website down so think about this during any re-designs.

Contact us Today

We understand that business owners need a steady stream of a new enquiries to grow their business. We can help you scale your landscaping or gardening company to the next level with the confidence that your marketing will support your sales. Contact us today to find out how.

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We are experts in marketing for Landscaping, Gardening and Tree Surgery companies and can offer a variety of marketing services to help you get more enquiries and grow your business.

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